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This past Sunday I preached about the Lord's prayer (Pater Noster in Latin).  It was interesting for me because this year has been all about the Lord's prayer. I have been praying It multiple times a day all year long.  As I have, the meaning of each phrase has expanded in new ways which I never anticipated.  It's been awesome.

Years ago, I read a book called "One Year of Living Like Jesus" by Ed Dobson.  It is a strange but very interesting book which has been very influential on me. I seem to spend a lot of time reflecting on Ed's journey to try to literally live out the words of Jesus and live the way Jesus lived (following the Jewish dietary and holiness laws) for an entire year.  

As he did he prayed the Shema (Deut 6) and the Lord's prayer.  Later he added the Jesus prayer.  There are various versions but it goes something like this "Jesus, Lord of the Universe, have mercy on me a sinner."  That is it.  Short and simple.  He would pray it hundreds of times a day.  And he said over the weeks and months it expanded in meaning too.  

So, at some point this year I added the Jesus prayer.  It has been very shaping for me.  That little sentence is so humbling to say.  It almost demands to be repeated over and over.

After all that, I thought I would try my hand at writing my own sentence prayer. A personal prayer I could pray over and over, day after day.  I came up with this, "You are a good, good, God.  You rule the universe and you rule my life."  I have been praying this little prayer a lot.  And you know what?  It has expanded in meaning over the weeks and months as well. 


Prayer has always been a bit intimidating for me.  I feel like it's, "not my gift" or I am, "not good at it."  But the truth is, God just wants to sit with me in the quiet.  He doesn't mind if I don't have much to say.  He can use a few simple words to shape me in unbelievable ways if I will just take the time to walk with him....


How about you?